Home » » You've been warned, Current TV! Keith Olbermann: "I don't burn the bridges, I burn the rivers."

You've been warned, Current TV! Keith Olbermann: "I don't burn the bridges, I burn the rivers."

Written By mista sense on Thursday, May 19, 2011 | 1:51 PM

The Cable Gamer wonders whether Al Gore and Current TV really understand the firestorm the're about to get into.  More precisely, the firestorm that they themselves have purchased when they hired on Keith Olbermann as not only an anchorman, but also as "chief news officer."   Olby's career on Current will end, as it has everywhere else, in tears--or in flames.

But don't take The Cable Gamer's word for it.   Here's what KO said himself last night on David Letterman's "The Late Show," describing his exit from MSNBC and other past employers, too:  "I didn't burn the bridges . . . I burned the rivers."  Ha ha.  You think he's kidding?

For good measure, Olby volunteered, too, that he was "crazy."

Lotsa luck, Current-ers!

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