...the left-wing Huffington Post is all excited over the leak of a November 8 memo from Fox News VP John Moody, in which he wrote, "The Iraqi insurgents ... must be thrilled at the prospect of a Dem-controlled Congress." The HuffPosties are are besides themselves with glee and outrage, of course--"There are [sic] just plain scum! There is no honor in them at all--is a typically articulate comment from a typically Fox-bashing "HuffPo" reader.
And in fact, more Moody memos seem to be leaking out--Slate.com has a bunch of 'em.
To which The Cable Game says, "Bring 'em on!" Bring on all the editorial memos, from all the networks and media outlets. No news operation can survive without some sort of editorial guidance--it's also called "leadership." What shall be the priorities? What shall the resource allocation? Important questions; the fate of any outfit rests on finding suitable answers.
So let's see what's really going on behind the scenes at Fox, and also at the other news networks. People are tired of being presented to by a bunch of inflated fakes. They want to go behind the scenes, and they are smart enough to handle the truth.
Speaking of the truth, I, for one, don't doubt for a second that Moody is right--that the terrorists were delighted that the Republicans got thumped on Election Day. If I were Al Qaeda in Iraq, of course I'd want the Democratic Party, which promises pressure towards withdrawal of US forces, to win and hopefully force a pullout of US troops from Iraq. So if Moody says that the terrorists will be celebrating, and that Fox should cover their celebrations, what's wrong with that? That's shrewd news judgment, as to where the story is. Now if FNC were to have then made up a news account of terrorists celebrating, that would be a whole different story. But in fact, there's plenty of evidence that the "axis of evil" countries, and their ilk, were pleased by the election results--so Moody was vindicated.
In the meantime, I am more curious as to what CNN's chiefs are telling their underlings--what was the editorial process that led to that "broken government" series a week before the election? What are the instructions going to such Bush-bashers as Miles O'Brien and Jack Cafferty?
And what's gotten into MSNBC? I would like to see the evolution of Dan Abrams' thinking, now that he has decided to Olbermann-ize the network, to the point where even onetime Republican Joe Scarborough has become a full-time Bush-basher.
This inquiring mind would like to know, and I am sure I am not the only one. We can handle the truth.