"Think Progress," a liberal website published by "The Center for American Progress" in Washington DC, must have a quota of FNC-bashing items to publish every month. That is, they have to get a certain number of posts to keep their Streisand-ish funders happy.
Which would explain this item, in which Think Progress zaps FNC's Bill O'Reilly for reminding viewers that Fox News Channel and the Fox Broadcasting Network are different entities, and that it was the latter, not the former, that is running the horrible OJ Simpson/Judith Regan "I did it" show. The idea of separating the anti-crime FNC with the weirdos who seem to control Judith Regan--including Judith Regan herself, who was booted off FNC years ago--is just too much for the McCarthyite broad-brushers at Think Progress.
But it's the truth: Nobody at FNC wants anything to do with the OJ/Regan special, as even The New York Daily News, a frequent critic of The News Corp., acknowledged on Saturday. Yes, FNC and FBC are part of the same company, but so what? The Cable Game is published by an American--does that make TCG indistinguishable from Think Progress? Of course not: We are different, just as FNC and FBC are different.
Sorry, Think Progress: If you want to keep your credibility, you will have to find another club with which to bash Fox News.