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Hell Freezes Over -- But then Olbermann Heats Up Again

Written By mista sense on Saturday, November 18, 2006 | 8:47 PM

MSNBC's highest-rated lowlife, Keith Olbermann, threatened a physical attack on FNC's Bill O'Reilly on Thursday, according to the great blog, Inside Cable News.

It seems that Olbermann was musing aloud on ESPN that if he, KO, were competing against BOR on "Dancing with the Stars" that he, KO, would cut O’Reilly’s hamstring with a surgeon’s knife or "do a Nancy Kerrigan" on him--i.e. hire someone to smash O’Reilly in the knee with a metal rod. Pretty funny, huh? No wonder liberals love Olbermann.

As Olbermann Watch records, O'Reilly quickly apologized, but of course, KO was soon enough back to attacking BOR and FNC. Evidently advocating physical harm is a bit too much for the lawyers at MSNBC and parent-company NBC--a big lawsuit could cut into Bob Wright's bonus--but KO's normal trashing of BOR and FNC? Well, that's holy writ for the left. And so of course KO will never stop performing that liberal liturgy.

So don't worry: KO might have suffered a brief bit of lawyer-inspired remorse for advocating violence on the air, but he sobered up quickly, and now he's back to his old ways. The psychic hell in which Olbermann dwells is once again plenty hot.

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