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Advertising Comes to a Phone Near You, and so does everything that goes along with advertising, like a network

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 | 8:26 PM

How does one feel about advertising? A necessary evil, I'd call it. Nobody likes to watch ads--although some, such as the Geico spots, are pretty good--but nobody wants to pay for content, either.

Now, according to Matt Richtel in today's New York Times, looks like advertisers have found a new place to place ads --on your cell phone.

This trend comes as cell phones become more central to the media universe, including The Cable Game. Most cable news channels already offer at least some cell-phone programming, and much more is coming.

Eventually, they will figure out how to turn that little two-inch-by-two-inch cell phone screen into something that at least looks big to the eye. And then Verizon, and others, will have full-blown networks, or at least the chance to create them. What will their content be? Now that's a $64 billion dollar question.

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