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Social Networking Comes to News

Written By mista sense on Wednesday, December 27, 2006 | 9:26 PM

Oops! My mistake. The correct headline in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal was "Social Networking Comes to Health Care."

The point of Laura Landro's story is that even the US government has figured out that social networking + virtual reality--a la secondlife.com and other sites--is a great way to communicate information about health care and well-being. I am sure that Uncle Sam is right about that, because let's face it, people don't do much of anything in this world unless they are convinced that it's fun, whatever it is. And s.n. + v.r. is fun.

So now the question is: When will the news be the same way? When will we be able to watch, say, Shepherd Smith, virtually? Or get right in the heat of things with Bill O'Reilly? Or get into the arena with Hannity & Colmes? It's coming to Fox News eventually. I just don't know when, or even if Fox will be first. Fox should be first, because s.n. + v.r. are naturally extensions of myspace.com, but we shall see.

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