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Carol Lin update

Written By mista sense on Friday, December 22, 2006 | 6:25 PM

I got this e-mail recently:

So many got this wrong that she took the time to make it right. I wonder who have the courage to admit they followed the CNN bashing crowd??

What follows, attached below, is an e-mail, which is said to be Carol Lin's repudiation of a Variety story about her departure from CNN. OK, fair enough: I am printing the whole thing.

But just two things in the meantime:

First, even CNN agrees that Rick Sanchez has replaced Lin. So the outlines of Variety's story are true--Lin's new status as a "contributor" is a fuzzy status indeed.

Second, as to the specifics of Lin's departure, reported here on Tuesday, Variety and/or Michael Learmonth have yet to print a retraction.

But for now, at least, I'll give CNN the last word:

Lin: "I'm Ready To Try Something New"
In an e-mail to TVNewser, departing CNN anchor Carol Lin responds to this report in Variety:

"I'm in the business of revealing the truth, even when it might seem revealing or rather startling. So here's the truth about me, CNN and how wrong Variety can get a story.

Jon Klein, CNN's president, has never talked to me about leaving the anchor chair. He has nothing but good things to say about me and my time at CNN. And why not. I've done everything there is to do: I've been in three warzones, anchored the impeachment of a president, covered hurricanes, unimaginable personal tragedies, interviewed everyone from prime ministers to local preachers. I can anchor for hours at a time on any story from North Korean Nukes to school shootings.

I have done it all. And now, I'm ready to do something new -- to feel that tickle of fear in my belly because I know I'm about to try yet again in my life, something unforeseen and uncertain. It's as simple, and perhaps boring to some, as that.

I have nothing but love and respect for CNN! They gave me everything I ever wanted during my eight years -- great co-anchors, my own show, a chance to see the world.

And as I do when I'm done with a fabulous feast, I leave the table full and grateful.

Michael Learmonth of Variety called my on my private cell number and wanted to know why I was leaving CNN and what my book and TV project are about. It's books, by the way. I have a vivid imagination, but also a compelling story to tell about my family's war against cancer during the lead up to the war in Iraq. But there are funny stories to tell too, and I look forward to laughing a lot.

Variety reported deeply personal facts about my life, and somehow surmised that's why I'm leaving.

I am a kickass woman who's still figuring things about about a personal life that took a sharp, unexpected turn. That experience will help me help others.

And that's a good thing. I cannot thank CNN more for the opportunity to continue as a contributor in 2007 and the chance to spread my wings. It's time. It's as simple as that.

See you 10pm Saturday Dec. 30 on the most trusted name in news. CNN.

All the best, Carol Lin"

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