Joe Scarborough trashes George W. Bush, bigtime, and gets larded with praise by the lefty website Crooks & Liars, which in turn gets a big play on The Huffington Post.
Remember the days when Scarborough was a Republican? Before he joined the left-wing Hive.
Well, sure, those were the days before Joe left Congress under a strange cloud of the accidental death of a staffer, Lori Klausutis--some have even suggest that maybe it was a murder and then got a TV gig at MSNBC. Talk about landing on your feet, Joe!
Scarborough obviously wants to fit in with the new crowd. Since his time slot follows Keith Olbermann's, he figures that he has to inherit Olbermann's audience. And to do that inheriting, he has to stick to the Bush-bashing Olbermann script.
And he's doing fine. So what's next for Joe as he "grows" into a liberal? A guest op-ed in The New York Times? A vacation at Martha's Vineyard? That'll give him a chance to spend time with Teddy Kennedy. And since they both have experience with dead female staffers, they'll have plenty to talk about.