TCG will admit that she always liked Kiran Chetry. The Nepalese-American always seemed like a sweet girl on the air, and yet as this picture shows, she also had a grrrl-y quality.
So maybe I am naive, but I really think that she is more sinned against than sinning in this whole kerfluffle that led to her getting fired from Fox. That is, as I piece this story together from NYC sources, her newly hired self-declared "super agent," John Ferret--oops, I mean, Ferriter--convinced Kiran that she was destined to be the next Katie Couric (same initials, makes perfect sense!), and so got Kiran to go along with his sneaky plan, which he might not have fully spelled out to her.
That is, Chetry might not have really understood all of what Ferriter had in mind--as detailed here at TCG last night. Specifically, Ferriter wanted Fox to fire Gretchen Carlson as the weekday "Fox & Friends" co-host, and put in Chetry instead. The arrogance of Ferriter's plan is kind of breathtaking, although as Cable Gamers know, the idea that Chetry would pull an "All About Eve" on Carlson--who is herself adorable and popular--was stopped cold by Fox News chief Roger Ailes.
But of course, we are all ultimately responsible for our actions. Ferriter is Chetry's agent, after all, not her Svengali. At least that's what I think.
And now "Page Six" offers some more details, such as Dianne Brandi, the no-nonsense Fox lawyer, telling Ferriter, in a letter dated Thursday, that he had "Treated Fox News with such arrogant disregard that we do not desire to do any further business with you ...
You and your client's unprofessional demand that we include a clause in her agreement which would have been detrimental to other Fox talent, is simply not the way we do business. We had hoped that Ms. Chetry would have a bright future with the Fox News Channel, however this negotiation has now become more trouble than it is worth."
And then, speaking of Chetry's new home at CNN, "Page Six" can't resist quoting a Fox insider about Chetry's fate: "Let's see what happens. Remember, the last one they took from us was Paula Zahn, and look where she went."
Oh, and one other question for the future: Why would anyone want John Ferriter as his or her agent?