Bill Frist has always been an inspiring figure. He wasn't always regarded as a great majority leader for the Senate Republicans over the past few years, but everybody agreed he was a nice guy.
More than a nice guy, in fact. Before, and now after, his Senate career, Frist took time out to do charitable work as a heart surgeon, in America and in Africa.
He has been back to Africa now, in conjunction with Franklin Graham's group, Samaritan's Purse. And in addition, he is blogging about it for Fox.
Here's a sample:
We met with Grace, a 40-year-old woman whose husband had died of AIDS three years before she discovered she was HIV positive. He had infected her, and before treatment she was disabled and diagnosed with tuberculosis.
She presented with a huge left flank mass and later had multiple abscesses drained from her right thigh. Her mother, with tears in her eyes, came forward to express her appreciation for the compassion Samaritan's Purse's staff, who had overseen her care at the local health facility and given her the moral support to pick herself up and return to a tolerable quality of life.
She smiled, expressed her joy at seeing us, and asked us to thank the many people who have reached out and touched her life. We met with the 30 or so HIV positive individuals who had come from the surrounding area to meet with us — all with a story of how they contracted and how they were living with HIV.
The Samaritan's Purse program there has trained and mobilized church and community leaders to increase awareness of HIV AIDS, reduce the stigma and decrease the impact on vulnerable families.
So let's hear it for Bill Frist, for Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse, and for Foxnews.com for giving us this window into such important work!