Or at least the Regis Philbin--literally. Whether Anderson is Paris or Regis, either way, it's a joke. And it's a joke he is determined to play on himself. Fox News can compare AC to Paris, but only AC could agree to be the next Regis.
Broadcasting & Cable's Ben Grossman reports that Anderson Cooper is going to be filling in for Philbin on "Live with Regis & Kelly" as Philbin goes in for open-heart surgery. The Cable Gamer wishes Regis the best, even though she is sure that Anderson Cooper will make a fabulous guest-host.
But TCG is equally sure that a real newsperson wouldn't consider himself or herself to be interchangeable with the likes of other Philbin-filler-inners, who include Howie Mandel and Martin Short. Those guys are comedians and showmen, not serious news men.
And Anderson Cooper doesn't belong in their camp. Oh wait--yes he does.