The Cable Gamer doesn't always agree with Howard Kurtz's coverage, and his editorial judgement, viz. my recent zing of him on his kids-glove treatment of MSNBC's Joe Scarborough.
But Kurtz is hard working, always interesting, and even a bit unpredictable, as when he nails NBC for its fellatial treatment of Al Gore and the global warming issue as seen during the "Live Earth" treatment, which NBC and its organs, including MSNBC, heavily promoted:
Doesn't this strike a discordant note? Wasn't NBC, whose news division covers the debate over climate change, providing a huge platform for advocates on one side of a contentious issue? And isn't the network helping a prominent Democrat -- who granted "Today" an interview last week in which he was asked again about his presidential ambitions -- raise money?
Dan Harrison, an NBC senior vice president, does not back away from the message. He calls the Gore effort "an initiative we believe in," including parent company General Electric. "I really don't think climate change is a political issue," Harrison says.
Whereupon Kurtz speaks for all of us when he asks:
But Harrison, the NBC exec, is unabashed as he charges ahead with his bias--thus confirming the conservative view that MSM bias is so thick that MSMers don't even see it as bias:
"Everyone agrees it's happening. If it's a political issue, it's whether the political will exists to address that change. We know we need to do something, and this is a way to heighten awareness."
Now the question: When will Howie go after his own employer, CNN, which is the most p.c. of all the cable channels?