CNN's Kiran Chetry tells Nepal Monitor that her hero in journalism is the late Peter Jennings of ABC. As she put it, "He is somebody I grew up watching, and I really admire his style of delivering the news. You felt like that he was having a conversation with you, never talking down to you."
And she goes on and on, singing Jennings' praises, including saying that he was "very kind." (Note to Kiran, as if you didn't know, he was married four times, always to younger women--so of course he was kind to you!)
Now of course, Jennings, who anchored or co-anchored "ABC World News Tonight for the better part of three decades, counts as a giant of journalism. When he died in 2005, his passing spelled the end of the "Big Three" era of broadcast journalism, as Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw departed from their gigs at about the same time. So in that sense, Jennings was a safe enough role-model for Chetry to cite.
But it must also be remembered that Jennings was a liberal, and that he let his biases show through on the air. And he was particularly biased in his coverage of the Middle East.
So sure, Kiran, be like Jennings. By advertising, in advance, your liberal elitist politics, you will likely be embraced by CNN and the rest of the liberal Establishment--no doubt that was your plan.
But beware, Kiran: While you and your trendy views will surely go far inside the MSM, maybe you won't get so far with viewers, who have caught on to the liberal-racket game by now, and who, of course, have choices that they didn't have through most of Jennings' career.
Thanks to reader KP for this tip.