The CMP Game Group has debuted online worlds blog WorldsInMotion.biz, a Game Developer Research-related venture that looks at where games, interaction, and multiplayer worlds meet online.Check out the rest of the details, with some more info about exactly why we're doing this and what the aims are. I'm particularly psyched to be involved, because there aren't really many sites just yet that focus on this sort of coverage all in one place. I'm also writing a comprehensive online atlas that'll provide reviews and in-depth tours of all (ideally!) the different virtual worlds, which should be lots of fun.
The weblog, which is being run by Gamasutra and GameSetWatch writer Leigh Alexander, has been set up because "...the staff at Game Developer Research will be launching multiple reports on the state and future of online worlds over the next few months." Thus, the new blog will report on virtual worlds as the staff compiles information on this increasingly important market.
So if you dig that sort of thing, go ahead and RSS it, and please let me know what you think! Despite my full plate these days, and especially this month, I've no plans to stop blogging here at SVGL, even if the frequency and format necessarily change a little. SVGL will continue to be my primary outlet for all of my unedited madness, compulsive game obsession, and garbled semi-pretentious linguistics-- mais, bien sûr!