Does it compromise my journalistic objectivity to say that Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a dick? Probably, but it was my strong and continuous impression during last night's "discussion" with Michael Moore on Larry King Live regarding Gupta's allegations that Moore "fudged the facts" in his documentary, Sicko.
Rachel Sklar gets right down to it, in the first graf of her piece on Sanjay Gupta vs. Michael Moore, found on The Huffington Post website. Sklar's piece is long and detailed, full of links, but she makes a pretty good case that Gupta was determined to defeat Moore in an argument, and that Larry King was helping his CNN colleague. Loyalty to the team is nice, but loyalty to the viewer is better.
CNN should've played the story straight, letting the viewers decide, without being guided by Dr. Sanjay Paternalist.