I loved every vivid detail in the waterlogged Art Deco paradise; the way it looked as if a party'd been suddenly interrupted by a disastrous apocalypse. The environment put me firmly in mind of some of the architecture in midtown New York City. Now,I know I've a habit of superimposing videogame worlds on the places I live, but look at these pictures of Midtown New York and decide for yourself!

Granted, these are all mainly examples of 1930's Art Deco architecture and interior design; it's this period that BioShock is emulating, not New York itself. I also uploaded the cover image of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead, done in the same style, also. The hero of that story is an architect who resents the super-popular linear design style of his time. We've heard before about how heavily Rand's objectivist ideals influenced the BioShock world, so this is likely another extention.
Still, go look at those pics and tell me they don't look like a real-world Rapture! Kinda creepy, right?