I will admit that I am fan of both Howard Kurtz and Eric Burns.
But at the same time, it would appear that the people are speaking, too, and they are speaking out for "News Watch" over "Reliable Sources." That's according to an interesting report from TV Newser, which shows that "FNW" has roughly twice the overall audience, and beats "RS" in the demo, too.
TV Newser also provides an insightful comment from a reader:
Kurtz and Burns do two different shows. Kurtz' is really a lot of inside baseball which is great if you are in the business. Burns' show is like a lot of Fox stuff — complaints about the liberal or main stream media.
The Cable Gamer comments: That's for darn sure. The liberal MSM, and their liberal sidekicks such as CNN and MSNBC, prove, every day that most reporters and TV people lean liberal. TCG has taken a couple of days off, but in her off hours, she still finds herself clicking around. And on CNN, one sees, routinely, all manner of jabs at Bush: John King, for example, saying that George W. Bush's popularity was "in the dumps." Excuse me, but that's bias. And on CNN's Katrina coverage, I see long clips, verbatim, from the likes of Bush-basher John Edwards, with no Republican or conservative to speak up for the other side.
And just today on CNN, as I watching coverage of Bush in New Orleans, for the Katrina commemoration, I was struck yet again by CNN's bias. For awhile, it showed split screen coverage, with Bush on one side and NO mayor Ray Nagin on the other side. Bush was speaking, while Nagin was ringing a memorial bell--so you couldn't hear what Bush was saying. And then, CNN cut away from Bush, and went to Nagin.
That's bias, folks.
I hope "FNW" gets to it, and I am sure that "RS" won't.