Actually, it's more like Part 802 in the saga of John Edwards' hypocrisy. Here's a stunningly personal and specific critique of the presidential hopeful, from Brad Warthen, a South Carolina journalist who knows his fellow Palmetto Stater well, all too well. Edwards, Man of the People--my foot!
And here's another look at Edwards' fraudulent jihad against Rupert Murdoch, from The Chicago Tribune's Phil Rosenthal. Note in particular the socko close to Phil's piece:
Edwards, meanwhile, hopes to get some political mileage out of the whole affair, and maybe a few bucks, too. He e-mailed supporters, urging all Democrats to reject donations from Murdoch and return what they've already received.
"John Edwards will never ask Rupert Murdoch for money," the e-mail said. "He won't accept his money."
Well, sort of. There was a $500,000 advance -- and $300,000 for expenses -- Murdoch's HarperCollins publishing unit paid Edwards for his 2006 book, "Home: The Blueprints of Our Lives." But a spokesman for Edwards told The Washington Post that Edwards' proceeds were donated to charity and the other cash went to staff and vendors.
Edwards, John Kerry's 2004 running mate, is poking at Sen. Hillary Clinton, the front-runner who has taken in more than $20,000 from News Corp. execs including Murdoch, and Sen. Barack Obama, who received money from News Corp.'s Peter Chernin.
That's the same Peter Chernin who attended a 2004 Kerry-Edwards fundraising event at Edwards' request, according to Murdoch's camp.
But, if you're Edwards, apparently it's never too late to take a stand.