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Best of SVGL: Video Game Pickup Lines

Written By mista sense on Thursday, September 20, 2007 | 6:13 AM

I'm so glad we've got this 'Best of SVGL' thing going, because once again, you failed to disappoint in last week's Video Game Pickup Lines thread, to say the least. It was tough to pick favorites, but I've done my best. As always, I didn't have time for anything more than straight copypasta, so if you'd like to claim credit for your works of genius in the comments, feel free to do so.

Previous Best of:
Video Game Disses
Best of SVGL: Video Game Pickup Lines

What do you say I take my flag to your base and score?

So, you ever been in a 5-Man Raid?

Hey baby, I need a new hoe and it ain't for gardening (Harvest Moon).

Lemme call you Silent Hill.... 'cause things will really get freaky when I'm inside you.

I know how Mario must feel, 'cause I really want to clean your pipes.

Call me Ash, because I choose you!

You're just like an RPG! I can't wait to take you home, unwrap you, put it in, and then grind away until the sun rises.

Girl, you got me like Warioware. I'm touched!

You can't be Phoenix Wright, because I have no objection to you, baby.

If you're a Devil, you May Cry by the time I'm finished with ya.

You remind me of a game of Tetris -- you always want the long ones.

Hey, baby, can I hide my Solid Snake inside your box?

Hey, Leigh, I can cast you as Meryl in the Metal Gear movie.

You guys rock -- I've got a new topic ready for tomorrow, but be sure and drop me your ideas for future collections, too!

[Pic is Peach and Andy, by the infamous fan artist of a now-defunct site who spent way too much time loving the princess.]

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