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Bill O'Reilly, First in the Ratings, First in Looking Out For You, and First in Keeping Tabs on the Blogosphere

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 | 6:17 PM

Bill O'Reilly gave The Cable Game credit, just a few minutes ago on "The Factor," for speaking the truth about the cable-news ratings--specifically, taking note of the reality of the ratings: O'Reilly vs. Keith Olbermann, Nancy Grace and fill-in-the-blank at CNN.

It's nice for a humble blogger to get a on-air plug from a media giant such as O'Reilly, but, what feels even better is nailing the story, with fairness and accuracy. As the philosopher George Santayana put it nearly a century ago, the truth is painful, but we learn to love it. Or, to borrow from another sage, TCG is a no spin zone!

I also see that billoreilly.com linked to my site earlier today--I posted that item on the Nielsens at 12:33, and the O'Reilly team found it in just a few hours. So nobody can say that Factorites don't keep their ear close to the new-media ground.

Indeed, Bill has gone to war with Daily Kos and the rest of the far left blogosphere; and in the past, he has attacked, as well, right-wing smearers. But for those of us in blogland who simply try to call 'em as we 'em, it's reassuring to discover that we are getting noticed, just for being reasonable and rational.

And it's also comforting to know that, as big as Big Bill might be, he and his Factorites are still covering the waterfront, as it were. They know what's really going on in Blogosphere USA--the good, the bad, the fair and the balanced. They just proved it.

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