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Murdoch Speaks on Fox Business News: "We want to spend a lot of time on innovation, successes and people who are making money."

Written By mista sense on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 | 3:58 AM

Variety's ace Michael Learmonth gets a great story from Rupert Murdoch, in which the News Corp. chieftain spells out the competitive distinctions between CNBC and the forthcoming Fox Business Network:

"It's going to be different from CNBC, just as Fox News is different from CNN," Murdoch told Wall Streeters at a Goldman Sachs-sponsored conference. "CNBC is a financial channel for Wall Street; we're for Main Street." ...

"They dwell too much on failures and scandals and politics," he said. "We want to spend a lot of time on innovation, successes and people who are making money."

Murdoch said the launch of FBN, and the acquisition of Dow Jones coincide with what he believes to be "a unique point in history" where demand for financial information will increase for decades as prosperity and entrepreneurial culture spread around the globe.

So the Cable Game is heating up, not just in America, but around the world!

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