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I Want To Take The Ears Off, But I Can't

Written By mista sense on Friday, September 7, 2007 | 4:45 AM

As promised, this week's Aberrant Gamer treats probably my fave BioShock character, Sander-FUCKING-Cohen (!!!!). It's not just about preference and what I personally find interesting; I also thought a character discussion would be the perfect way to expand on a couple of my earlier articles about the ways that choice makes games meaningful -- and how finding a personal touch-point (also up to the player) can add value to the gaming experience, maybe even more than choice can. Would you kindly check it out?

Also, thanks to everyone who hung in for all of my "just maybe overanalyzing gaming a bit too much" stuff lately, and the "all BioShock, all the time" status. I promise -- next week, it's back to loli pantyshots and hentai games for a bit. Your comments, suggestions, ideas and requests are always welcome.

SVGL rifleman farren67 has already read it, BTW, and in the comments demonstrates for us how the vastly underrated word "mecenas" is used. Bravo.

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