Anyway, the big gun on my radar is Mass Effect, and if I wasn't already excited about this game, the dear old birds at the BBFC, of all people, have just given me a brain boner:
The game has been classified at '12' for moderate violence and one sex scene.The violence is undetailed and takes place in a futuristic setting. The single sex scene is brief and undetailed, although there is breast nudity in one version of the scene. The sex scene is triggered by the player making a series of choices about becoming more than friends with a colleague. If playing as a male character the scene can take place between him and a human woman or a humanoid female alien. If playing as a female character the scene can take place between her and a male human or a female humanoid alien.
...Are you reading what I'm reading? Humanoid alien lesbian scene, anybody? I am so there. Bioware, Microsoft, if you're reading this, GIVE IT please kindly provide review copy NOW OR I KILL U.
Sigh. Ahead of BioShock I had elaborate treatises on morality, choice and the use of children in games. Ahead of Mass Effect I'm excited for sapphic aliens. Think I'm a little tired, guys?