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The News -- The Best Reality Show Ever!

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 | 9:36 AM

This Cable Gamer will admit to being morbidly fascinated by O.J. Simpson. Like most Americans, I think he murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, and so to some extent, following Simpson on the news these past dozen years since his acquittal has been akin to a search for justice. I turn on the news and hope that today, this day, finally, Simpson will be nailed.

And now it looks like it's happening, and cable news is all over the story, as it twists and turns as The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz details, with good quotes, especially, from FNC's Greta Van Susteren.

As TCG likes to say, the news is the best reality show, and the stakes are high--way higher than on some semi-scripted fake "reality" show.

Now let's hope and/or pray that in this real world, which we are following in real time, that Simpson finally gets what he deserves. And then maybe Nicole and Ron can truly rest in piece.

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