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Paula, We Hardly Knew Ye--But We Know We Can't Afford Ye!

Written By mista sense on Monday, September 10, 2007 | 10:33 AM

The Cable Gamer was never a fan of Paula Zahn--not when she was at CBS, nor Fox, nor CNN. But it could have been worse: I could have been married to her.

Actually the Cable Gamer is not that kind of girl, but it would have been horrible, nonetheless--not to mention ruinously expensive--even to live under the same roof with her. As The New York Daily News' Jose Martinez details the dirt pouring out of her apparently cuckolding marriage to real estate developer Richard Cohen:

"The $20 million cost of her Connecticut mansion alone (without even including the extravagant nature of Ms. Zahn's annual expenditures) consumed more than her entire income over their 20-year marriage," Cohen's lawyer, Douglas Flaum, charged in court papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court.

A source close to Cohen, 59, added that Zahn, who recently lost her anchor job at CNN, spent "wild" money on clothes, even as the network gave her a healthy clothing allowance.

And there's more. But before you read, grab hold of your wallet. Your money might not be your most precious possession, but it would be your most endangered possession if Paula is anywhere close.

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