Newsbusters' Noel Sheppard is one of many bloggers to call out Sally Field for her inane comments about "mothers."
But TCG reader RM, of Cincinnati, OH, wants to go further, all the way to boycotting Boniva, the product Field endorses:
I sent an email to the folks at Boniva and informed them that if I ever did need an osteoporosis medication, their product would be LAST on my list because they have an airhead for a spokeswoman. I found what Ms. Field said to be most offensive to patriotic menopausal women everywhere and we should all band together and let the Boniva people know that we won't be needing their product until they can hire someone with a brain as their mouth piece.
TCG will follow this case closely, to see what develops, because somebody has to tell these mouthy lefty verbally violent femmes, including such alleged comediennes as Rosie O'Donnell and the also-Newsbusted Joy Behar, to just knock it off.