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“There’s no difference" between "David Shuster or the Democratic National Committee”

Written By mista sense on Friday, September 28, 2007 | 2:35 AM

The Politico newspaper has emerged as a strong force in Washington. And Anne Schroeder has emerged as a significant force at the The Politico--and here's an item that proves it. Schroeder gets the goods on a looming boycott of "MSDNC," finally triggered by David Shuster's obviously liberal partisanship:

Looks like MSNBC correspondent David Shuster may have deprived loyal MSNBC viewers of their favorite GOP talking heads—at least for now.

This week, the MSNBC reporter “sandbagged” Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) during an interview by asking her to name the last solider from her district to die in Iraq. After she couldn’t, Shuster named the solider himself and then scolded the Tennessee Republican for her hypocrisy.

But it turns out that the soldier Shuster named— Pvt. Jeremy S. Bohannon,—was not from Blackburn’s district after all. The incident landed Shuster in some GOP hot water, and the newsman was forced to make an on-air apology for the incident last night.

But that might not be the end of it, as irked Republican Hillers are now planning a boycott of Shuster’s employer. ...

Word is, a growing number of GOP lawmakers have become mysteriously “unavailable” when asked to appear on MSNBC. Numerous meetings have taken place in both the House and the Senate side regarding the interview and “what to do about it,” Hill sources report.

One MSNBC producer told a Hill staffer, as relayed to us: “We can’t even get any republican senators!” While other offices immediately declared “absolutely not” when they heard the host was Shuster.

“There’s no difference because sending your boss over to David Shuster or the Democratic National Committee at this point,” sniffs one high-placed House source.

Schroeder also wallops Shuster & Co. with this:

“We don’t mind skipping MSNBC. No one watches that channel anyway,” says a high placed Republican consultant.

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