TV Newser notes that Fox News' Chris Wallace now has the #2 ranked Sunday news-talk show in DC, behind NBC's "Meet the Press."
But Wallace is setting his sights higher, as he tells US News' Paul Bedard.
Tim Russert is still on top of the heap, of course, but The Cable Gamer suspects that his show is going to be hurt by the worsening kneejerk leftism that increasingly afflicts MSNBC and all the NBC newsers.
The two "gets"--good guests and big audiences--both like to think that they are being treated fairly, and not called names, which is increasingly the stock and trade of such MSNBC bullyboys as Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Dan Abrams, and now, maybe, David Shuster.
Who knows? Maybe even left-wing Obama lovers would like to hear that there are two sides to a story.