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Video Game Pickup Lines

Written By mista sense on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 | 12:42 PM

I always brag to people about how rad my readers are here. I swear, this blog skims the cream that rises to the top of the milky, churning morass of the internet -- I love your comments and emails, I always read them, and I love what they contribute to the site. I just posted some of my fave responses to the Video Game Disses thread I started on a whim last week, and I think that having similar threads, or at least compiling my favorite comments for SVGL's frontpage (as I just did in the preceding post), is something I'd like to do more often, if not weekly. The battalion of ammunition stored by the SVGL Corps will rival the strongholds of all other sites in terms of sheer fabulosity and troubleliciousness -- such is my declaration!

Thought it'd be a fun idea to start with Kim's idea to do a "Video Game Pickup Lines" thread -- she suggests, "Baby, you've got me as hard as Jordan on Expert." Lemme try:

If I do you on hard, can I unlock your "extra costume?"

Hey, gorgeous, up for a little PvP? And the "P" doesn't stand for "player," if you know what I mean.

Lemme call you Silent Hill.... 'cause things will really get freaky when I'm inside you.

Alright, guys, hit me with your best! Don't be afraid to be vulgar -- this is Sexy Videogameland.

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