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2007 IF Comp Winners!

Written By mista sense on Monday, November 19, 2007 | 11:55 AM

So I didn't get to spend nearly as much time with the IF Comp entries as I'd hoped to, and I hadn't gotten to play Lost Pig, the winner of this year's competition. Congrats to it, though -- I'll definitely check it out, and hope to write about it, too.

Check out this list for the rest of the winners. Despite my critiques of dense parsers and dumb game language, it ain't as easy as it looks. I've recently tried to mess with some IF development tools -- keeping in mind I can hardly ever even keep html tags straight -- and developed an entirely new level of respect for the skill it takes to create a truly intelligent text adventures.

Well done, everyone! There will be no picture in this post, in honor of text gaming (and not my laziness, I swear).

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