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First, "Question-gate." But let's not forget, "Spin-gate." Two "Gates" Equals A Window Into CNN's M.O.

Written By mista sense on Sunday, November 18, 2007 | 10:40 AM

Talk about a fight within the family--the Democratic family. When The New York Times runs an article headlined "A Clinton Friend’s Role Sets Off Intense Criticism of CNN and a Re-examination," that's a sign that the "Clinton News Network" is back to its old tricks again. This time, instead of sucking up to Bill Clinton, CNN is sucking up to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Same difference.

Times reporter Julie Bosman deadpanned:

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton prepared for a battle with her Democratic rivals at the CNN-sponsored debate on Thursday night. She did not have much to fear from the postdebate round table.


Among the experts trotted out by CNN to comment was James Carville, a Democratic strategist and CNN commentator who is also a close friend of Mrs. Clinton and a contributor to her campaign.

Mr. Carville’s presence aroused the fury of rivals and bloggers. They called it a conflict of interest and criticized CNN.

And of course, one of the other "analysts" assessing Hillary's debate performance was Dave Gergen, another Clinton crony.

But Gergen, at least, is a smart enough guy who tries to be fair. Carville, by contrast, is just a completely egregious partisan hack.

And yet Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper thoght he was just fine as a debate analyst.

Tells you something about the way the CNN operates. And this is before Hillary gets into the White House. What happens if she actually wins the White House next year?

Then CNN will REALLY be the Clinton News Network, and be able to say it loud, and say it proud!

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