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Best of SVGL: Console Personalities

Written By mista sense on Monday, November 12, 2007 | 5:31 AM

MSN seems to think the testosterone-addled, hi-tech world of video games is too complicated for the ladies, and has helpfully written up for us this "Guys & Their Games" article to help gals determine what a man's console says about him. In a nutshell, PS3 guys tend to be wealthy and fond of cutting-edge technology; Wii guys are fun, social and selfish (huh?); X360 dudes are serious gamers who like to cooperate.

I dunno so much about this list; it seems kind of lame. Do you guys really think that the consoles you own are an issue of your personality? Being a game writer, I don't know if I'm qualified to comment, because these days I try and possess everything for its own sake (except PS3. I'm waiting on the PS3, which is a tangent for another time), because it'd be sort of hard for me to cover the industry if I didn't have, say, an Xbox or a DS (am I saying it's possible to cover the industry without a PS3? Ooh, oh no, I didn't).

If you are a proponent of the "console personality" philosophy, I'd like to hear tell -- what do consoles say about their owners? Tell you what: let's have a Best of SVGL, since it's been a bit since I ran one of those. And I'll tell you what else -- I even have a prize this time! Person who writes the funniest, most on-point round-up of all three next-gen "console personalities" gets my review copy of Let's Meow Meow, the kitty-kitty hentai game I recently wrote up for Aberrant Gamer.

Following the format of that awful MSN piece, write a little paragraph or so for each console, and be as clever as you can. To win, you need to evaluate all three without favoritism for one over the other (i.e, Xbox 360 owners are awesome, Wii owners are ghey). I'll leave the contest open for at least a week, maybe longer if there's a lot of activity. SVGL Readers GO!

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