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St. Judith Regan, Martyr. Soon To Be Reincarnated As A Liberal?

Written By mista sense on Friday, November 9, 2007 | 11:10 AM

Judith Regan
, the former Cable Gamer--she had a show on Fox News for awhile--who got fired from her publishing "day" job by uber-Cable Gamer Rupert Murdoch is back, with a self-pitying, self-glorifying photo and article in the latest ish of Harper's Bazaar.

The article isn't very interesting, overall, insofar as Regan is seeking to spin her disgraceful book "written" by the despicable O.J. Simpson. But what is interesting is her own self-image, as a martry. In the text of the article, Regan compares herself to Faye Dunaway at the end of the 1967 movie "Bonnie and Clyde," when she and co-star Warren Beatty are shot and killed by about 100 bullets each. It's a heckuva scene, and no doubt young Judith saw the film when it came out, little knowing that she would be going out in her own blaze of media infamy.

But what's more interesting is the photo, showing her being pierced by arrows, like a female version of St. Sebastian--only, of course, without the saintliness.

But The Cable Gamer remembers another photograph, of David Brock, now the head liberal hitman for Media Matters.org. Back in July 1997, Brock published an article in Esquire, under the headline, "I Was A Right-Wing Hit Man." Only those with long memories will remember the days when Brock was a right-wing hitman, not a liberal hitman. But what was interesting about that article, a decade ago, was that contributed to his own "outing," as in being an "out" gay.

Oh sure, people knew, already, back in '97, that Brock was gay, but nobody knew what a full-fledged drama queen he was. That queenie-ness was obvious from the photo that accompanied the article--it was pure St. Sebastian, Brock the self-proclaimed martyr.

The Cable Gamer remembers that picture well, but has been unable to find it online. But here's a description of Brock and his pose, as it from David Horowitz, from FrontPageMagazine.com:

Accompanying the article was a staged photo of Brock tied to a tree, one nipple seductively exposed. The editors didn't say whether he was waiting to be shot, or to nurse.

And now, following in that, uh, distinguished tradition, comes Judith Regan.

Following David Brock that is, not St. Sebastian.

But The Cable Gamer now fully expects Regan to rehabilitate herself by becoming a liberal.

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