That's the headline atop The Drudge Reporton Friday. And as this cartoon, above, reminds us, the Clinton campaign leaned hard on CNN and Wolf Blitzer to go easy on their candidate.
And it worked. Not only did Blitzer go easy on Hillary in Thursday night's Las Vegas Democratic debate--no follow-up from the CNN moderator on her driver's license flip-flop, for example--but in the after-show analysis, two the four "analysts" were former Clinton lieutenants: James Carville and David Gergen. There's a place for both men in this media landscape, but they shouldn't be assessing their former boss, the ex-First Lady.
The cartoon is a little hard to read, but the key point is that it shows Clinton enforcers Carville, Howard Wolfson, and Harold Ickes all staring down at Blitzer, who says, quiveringly, "I promise guys, I won't be mean to her like Russert was."
Parenthetically, one might ask: Was Tim Russert really mean to Hillary in Philadelphia on October 30. I mean, he asked Hillary if she agreed Eliot Spitzer's driver's licenss-for-illegals plan. To which she hit back, that's a "gotcha" question. Well, as Michael Barone has said, is it "gotcha" to ask a Democrat if she agrees with a position that is rejected by 80 percent or more of the American people? If it's "gotcha" to ask a hard question, the Russert played gotcha. But The Cable Gamer just thinks that Russert asked HRC a tough question. That's known, in some circles, as good journalism--not that Blitzer would know, because he just took a dive. Happily, Drudge and Nana 484, who came up with the cartoon, called Wolf on it.