Well, I've done it -- the Aberrant Gamer that I've hinted at is
currently up and running. After my last several posts have focused pretty intently on what a
psycho game nerd I am in my daily life, this week, I'm using myself as a bit of a guinea pig to see what happens when I declare a moratorium on games for an entire week. No playing anything, not so much as
Minesweeper. I'm already feeling an interesting sort of fear and restlessness, coupled with an intriguing thread of relief. Check out
the column to read more about the horrible experiment. WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?
I'll still be blogging, of course. Ideally, I'd have a whole bunch of folks join me on my seven-day stint, and
send me your thoughts along the way on how you're handling it and what, if anything, you're learning about yourself and about games and their role in your life. I'd post selections from everyone's comments with my own responses, and it could be really interesting. That's assuming you're all as HARDCORE BALLSY as I am, though. Yeah, that was so a dare.