Pros: A military veteran who understands the sensitive climate currently surrounding our international relations. He's also a perfectly-trained killing machine, and if Russia gets out of hand, he can sneak in unnoticed, steal their weapons secrets and rescue scientists. He supports stem cell research.
Cons: He supports human cloning. Questions surrounding his mental fitness abound.

Pros: Strong background in national security, capable of protecting our interests against outside forces. FEMA disasters are a thing of the past -- when it comes to crisis-torn areas, he has experience in quick, proactive and absolute disaster containment. Supports innovative and forward-looking disease research.
Cons: Supports lethal flesh-eating viruses. Poor relations with the Russians, and unlikely to fund the police force. Doesn't negotiate.

Pros: Extensive experience ruling earth and presiding over complicated facilities. Maintains order through successful "hearts and minds" campaigns. Excellent charisma and television personality. Successfully negotiated the peaceful end of the Seven Hour War.
Cons: Ended aforementioned war by handing humanity to frightening aliens. Supports slavery and martial law.

Pros: Inspires loyalty and encourages industrial growth. No matter how difficult or expensive the objective, Koopa doesn't give up. Shoots fireballs to protect the nation.
Cons: Checkered past involving a princess-kidnapping scandal. Poor public speaker.

Pros: Well-known aura of power, supports the local schools and orphanages, possesses a private army and an arsenal of magical spells. Throws very inspiring parades.
Cons: Possessed by an evil sorceress.
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