I am not sure how many Cable Gamers know much about Richard Viguerie; he is a longtime conservative activist, going all the way back to the early 60s. And he's been extremely controversial for much of that time--to the point where one could fairly question his judgment, at least.
Indeed, critics, including many on the right, have questioned just about everything about him, from his ethics to his political judgment--Vigurie routinely savaged, for example, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. In the mordant headline of DC blogger James Joyner, "Viguerie Conservatives Meet in Phone Booth."
But of course, on the Net, everyone can hear you scream. And in fact, Vigueries's m.o. seems to be attack anyone and everyone--especially on the conservative side. Some say he is just a rigidly principled conservative. Others say he is just a cantankerous contrarian. And others say that he picks fights to generate direct-mail millions. In any case, now it's Fox News in Viguerie's crosshairs. But in the spirit of TCG-reports-you-decide, I have reprinted Viguerie's entire e-blast below.
But first, before we get too weepy about Viguerie's latest cause, Ron Paul, here's something that every conservative should know: Paul opposes a fence on our Southern border.
Yup. The hottest issue in GOP primaries has been securing the US-Mexican border, and Paul is against it. But don't take my word for it--here's Paul's wacky interview with ABC's John Stossel; I am sorry folks, but by any reasonable reckoning, Paul's opposition to the wall stamps him as an eccentric. He is entitled to hold his opinion, of course, but he has zero chance of getting the Republican nomination:
John Stossel: You want a 700-mile fence between our border and Mexico?
Ron Paul: Not really. There was an immigration bill that had a fence (requirement) in it, but it was to attack amnesty. I don't like amnesty. So I voted for that bill, but I didn't like the fence. I don't think the fence can solve a problem. I find it rather offensive.
What should we do?
Get rid of the subsidies. (If) you subsidize illegal immigration, you get more of it.
Get rid of welfare?
All the welfare benefits.
Sure. Don't build a wall. Abolish the government instead. Good practical political thinking, Ron! The government's too big, of course, but we shouldn't hold the immediate necessary goal of border security hostage to the utopian goal of getting rid of Washington DC.
So to repeat: Paul has zero chance of being the GOP nominee this year, or of being on the Republican ticket. Of course, the DC buzz holds that Paul will run as a Libertarian third-party ticket later this year. It's a free country, of course, but that's just one more reason to keep him out of a Republican debate.
Meanwhile, here's Crazy Viguerie, flogging the folks, one more time:
From: Richard Viguerie [mailto:RAV@conservativesbetrayed.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 6:44 PM
Subject: Has the Fox News Channel Joined the Enemy?
From: Richard A. Viguerie
Subject: Who said this about liberal media bias? (Ouch)
And what you can do about it right now!
Dear Fellow Conservative:
Guess who made this poignant observation in 2003 about the liberal bias of the mainstream media:
“Bias has to do with the elimination of points of view, not presenting a point of view.”
Answer: The quotation comes from none other than Roger Ailes, the brilliant political operative and businessman who is president of the Fox News Channel.
Well said, Roger. However, that’s exactly what Fox News is doing now, by barring Ron Paul from your January 6 New Hampshire presidential debate.
Click here for the full text of my protest statement to Roger Ailes and Fox News. Whether or not you are supporting Ron Paul, barring him is inexcusable, and I explain why.
Now do something about this!
Go to www.KeepRonIn.com and sign the petition to Fox News. Let’s keep Ron Paul in all the debates! Let’s have a robust airing of all viewpoints in all presidential debates and forums!
Since the Fox News Channel debate is Sunday evening, every second counts. Please take action right now!
As the names on the petition come in, every few hours we’ll forward them to Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, and the other top executives at Fox. They need to hear from you.
No matter whom you may support, this is an issue of basic fairness. Our political discourse will not suffer because a different viewpoint than held by the Republican establishment is expressed, but our nation will be damaged if reasonable viewpoints are silenced.
After you sign our petition, ask your family and friends to do the same.
In addition to signing the petition, consider writing or calling the Fox News Channel, including your favorite personalities on the network:
1-888-369-4762, extension 4
or (212) 301-3000
Thanks for your fast actions to rectify this injustice.
Your fellow conservative,
Richard A. Viguerie
9625 Surveyor Court, Suite 400
Manassas, Virginia 20110