I like people who do their own art though, whether that's hand-drawings or digital collages or whatever. If you're an artist or designer and you'd like to submit a banner, I'll put it up and post about your work and link to your portfolio and all. Would be cool to have periodic "featured artists," and would be a fun community-building exercise, since such things are important to me.
The only requirements are: it must be somehow video game related, must say "Sexy Videogameland" or "SVGL" on it somewhere, and generally my banners are 660-250 px, though I'm not super strict about that precise size requirement.
PNG format shows up best on here. Also, to be blunt, it must be reasonably good. Don't scan the pencil fanart you did in class and slap some words on it and I don't want pictures of your RPG character or your Second Life avatar and crap like that.
Though not required, I have a distinct preference for stuff showcasing current games and cute girls -- miss Bad Girl here, for example. But really, whatever you subjectively consider sexy is fine by me. As long as it's not, like, Pokemon porn or something. To each his own, of course, but... yeah. Sexy must still be worksafe, by the way.
So if you wanna do one, I would, of course, be highly appreciative. Feel free to send your stuff or any questions to the email address in the sidebar. If you make videogame forum sigs, icon sets, stuff like that, I also like the idea of doing semi-regular links to that sort of thing, so let me know what you make. I always say I have the best readers on the entire internet, and I want to show you guys off. <3