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Programming Notes

Written By mista sense on Monday, March 31, 2008 | 5:26 AM

How was everyone's weekend? I played Crisis Core. Pretty much the entire time. More on that later -- just a couple quick things for now.

First up, I was just recently invited by my friend Michael Abbott, of Brainy Gamer fame, to be a guest on his regular podcast. He asked interesting questions, and it was super cool to be on -- I probably talked altogether too much (surprised?) about my gaming childhood, my inspirations for my career, how I got started, and which game I'd pick if I could only play one more in my entire life. Anyway, I have no idea how I came across, but it was fun -- podcast is here if you want to listen. I really appreciate Michael's thoughtful, excellent writing on the industry and I was really thrilled to be invited to be a part of his work.

This week's Aberrant Gamer is up, too. Have you heard of Miss Bimbo? It's a by-all-accounts horrendous "girls' game" online that has whipped up some controversy because it encourages girls to be little bimbos, starve themselves, shop, gossip and all of that celebrity-trash lifestyle. I poked around in there and wrote about "games for girls," negative stereotypes in games, and more. Give it a read if you're interested.

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