I beat the Pokemon League on Pearl. Though the game has a significant post-ending portion -- you could even say infinite, given the collection mechanic -- this is essentially game-winning, for those of you who aren't as into Pokemon as I am.
For those who are, allow me to geek out and reveal my winning team:
Manaphy - Lv 63
Aqua Ring
Acid Armor
Water Pulse
Palkia - Lv 50
Dragon Claw
Spacial Rend
Water Pulse
Rapidash - Lv 45
Sunny Day
Fire Spin
Fire Blast
Roserade - Lv 44
Leech Seed
Petal Spin
Giga Drain
Staraptor - Lv 46
Steel Wing
Aerial Ace
Close Combat
Azelf - Lv 50
Nasty Plot
As you can see, many of the Elite Four's Pokemon were Surfed to death by Manaphy, but it couldn't have been done without some kamikaze sacrifices by Staraptor and Rapidash and some good tanking by Palkia. I actually went after Cynthia just so that I could die and get out of the League building, so I was pretty surprised to actually end up taking her down. I thought I'd need a bunch more levels for the majority of the team first -- guess I just got lucky and had an excellent movepool.
I find it sort of surprising that I've really been unable to finish anything for a long time -- I have three unopened titles, none of which are the three reviews I have due, just waiting on a growing queue because I already have too many unfinished games floating around in here. And yet I finish Pokemon? Something to be said for the addiction factor, I guess. I am a little swamped this week, as usual, so the fact it's portable and repetitive helps.
I promise I'll shut up about Pokemon for a while -- but real quick, anybody know why my Feebas won't eat any more Poffins?