CNN's Fredericka Whitfield, reporting on the spate of shootings in Chicago, said, in the course of her report, that these shootings underscored the need for "more sensible gun control laws."
Well, obviously something bad is happening in Chicago-all these people, 31 in all, getting shot, with six dead. But how does one automatically conclude that we need gun control. The CNN clip showed Chicago Police Chief Jody Weiss complaining about AK-47s in the hands of criminals.
Well, gee, since when are AK-47s legal? Answer: they're not--not legal under current law.
So c'mon Fredericka: Don't tell us that we need "more sensible" gun control laws when we already have plenty of gun control laws--or if you insist on saying it, then at least admit that what you're saying is biased opinion, not unbiased news.