Did you see the skewering of Barack Obama, John McCain, and, most cuttingly of all, Hillary Rodham Clinton on "SNL" last night? The screen grab above is the divinely funny Amy Poehler, as "Sen. Clinton" questioning "Gen. Petraeus" at the Capitol Hill hearings last week. "I have opposed the Iraq war all my life" Poehler-as-Clinton says, capturing, yet again, Hillary's insufferable self-righteousness, even as she lies through her teeth.
The same Rachel Sklar, of The Huffington Post--whom I always adore for her brunette pluckiness and astuteness, even as I criticize for her Arianna-fied p.c.--puts it well today: "It's official: SNL loves politics, and loves being a player in the game."
That's The Cable Game, of course. And who doesn't? Why should "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" get all the action?
My only concern is that Poehler, in particular, has so nailed her HRC impression that "SNL" will risk suffering a moral hazard--Lorne Michaels & Co. now have an obvious incentive to see Clinton win, so that they can continue to mock her for four or even eight years to come.