A news item fromBeet.TV details how The Washington Post has trained 185 staffers in using videocams. In other words, everyone at the Post, if the plan works, will be "vlogging." And not a moment too soon, Beet adds, since Microsoft's Steve Ballmer is predicting that "dead tree" newspapers won't exist in ten years.
So that's on the production end--what will ordinary people be doing in ten years? They will no doubt be generating a lot of their own content, too, but within five years, not ten, Americans will be consuming eight hours a day of video, according to TV Week.
So the WaPo is on the right track, one might say. The Post is sprouting new portals, new eyes. And so there won't just be a few Washington Post "channels," there will be hundreds, even thousands.
The Cable Gamer is reminded of the peacock. It's the symbol of NBC, of course, or at least it was, but whereas NBC picked it because of its colors, one might pick it again because of its many eyes.
And that's the future history of the Cable Game--it will be the Eyeball Game.