...That is what I said to Hideo Kojima last night at the MGS 4 launch where I met him and shook his hand. As you can all imagine, I nearly fainted.
Here are my pictures and overcaffeinated comments from the event in Times Square last night.
Wired's Chris Kohler also snapped me shaking hands with Yumi Kikuchi, the completely gorgeous actress (both voice and model) for Beauty & Beast's Raging Raven (my picture's at the way bottom, but Kohler's coverage is also worth reading, as it's a bit more sane and organized than my jittery post-autograph rambling).
And yes, I know you have probably been waiting to hear my response to the game. Read my review at Variety! When it comes to the really insane level of detail, I am basically baffled as to how I can discuss it without any spoilers, so give me a couple of days.
If you don't have it yet, have to wait for some reason, or just have questions, I invite you to submit them to me via email (leighalexander1 AT gmail DOT com) to be answered here on SVGL. I won't address any plot spoilers, of course, but ask me whatever else you want and I'll print some of the questions and answers. Is that okay?
One question I can answer right away: Yes. It is awesome. It is very, very awesome.
Update! My Limited Edition box set also came today. I did one of those fetishistic unboxing posts for Kotaku, because that is how I roll over there. C'mon, you know you want to look.