Loath as I was to tear my eyes away from Snake's "last" opera, I also wrote a review of Majesco's Tumiki Fighters re-up, Blast Works. I don't so much care for shooters, but I love level editors, which alleviate some of the bullet hell frustration for me by letting me play with everything. This is a solidly creative title, albeit a mixed bag thanks to a stubborn UI.
And, speaking of the almighty user-generated content, Blast Works is one of those clever titles that has circumvented the evil Wii Friend Code for sharing self-made polygons - you upload and download everything to and from a website, which gives everyone with a computer easy access to what you've made, and gives you a massive (and growing) library of user creations.
However, the coolest method I've yet seen by which to shortcut the iron gate of Nintendo item-sharing is this sound-file driven methodology for DS title Bangai-O Spirits. Really, it saves all the data as sound files that can be uploaded to a PC and played into the microphone of another DS. I realize that's ancient audio technology, but my mind was still blown.