If John McCain is a sexist, as Campbell Brown alleges, then why did he pick Sarah Palin to be his running mate?
Brown host of a low-rated, low-buzz CNN show, tried to stir the pot last night, maybe ginning up some ratings, by posing as a feminist. "Free Sarah Palin," she said, being oh so clever. She denounced "male chauvinists" for allegedly "keeping her hidden from the press."
Well that's a nice try, Campbell. You think that you have found a new way to package the de rigeur CNN Republican-bashing. But of course, it's obvious what you are really doing: You are doing the Democrats' dirty work for them. The McCain-Palin campaign has its press strategy, which is to control press access to both candidates--the man, and the woman.
Now one can like or dislike that strategy, but it's absurd to call it sexist. It's an equal opportunity policy of rationing the media--especially since so much of it is hostile.
You'll have to try harder, Campbell. Nobody can make you like Palin, and CNN is paying you to dislike her, but don't pretend it's an issue of genuine feminist outrage. This is about politics: her conservatism, vs. your liberalism.
UPDATE: Liberal bloggers fall into line, behind the new line. Cambpell Brown is on her way to better liberal ink, and who knows, maybe an Emmy.