I was absent from pretty much my entire digital life yesterday thanks to yet another Vista issue. I spent the majority of my day trying to get XP loaded onto my brand-new laptop, rather than restore my machine's factory image for the third time. I ended up confounded by drivers and such (since many of you had to explain to me the difference between component and composite cables yesterday, you can tell I'm functional but not too tech-savvy), and as such spent most of my day in line at Best Buy to get the Geek Squad to put XP on the machine for me. I couldn't work or anything like that, and my computer's still over there until the end of the week. Fortunately I have another machine, although getting it to recognize my wireless network was another feat -- thankfully, I got that one done on my own.
This is why I don't play PC games. I'm terrified to install anything, for fear it'll bust the whole works. There is nothing that jacks my stress level higher than having to play "let's figure out why my computer doesn't work." I actually, honestly did cry in front of the Geek Squad guy (when I found out how much it'd cost), a giant leap backward for tech geek girls everywhere.
In other exciting news, I did actually beat Galaxy Man and Concrete Man yesterday night. Concrete Man took me so many tries that by the time I beat him, I unlocked the achievement for reaching a boss without taking damage. I can get to Magma Man and Splash Woman, but as of yet haven't beat either of them (and no, I don't have any Splash Woman hentai. Yet). Hornet Man's level seems to me to be insanely difficult.
When Mega Man 9 gets too controller-throwy for me, I go back to the peaceful world of Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness. You guys know how I am about Harvest Moon. Of course, I have loads of important feedback about it, but it'd likely be interesting only to fans of the series -- do any of you care?
So I'm a little fragmented this morning, scrambling to get caught up on work and such, but one more thing -- I reviewed the Hell's Kitchen video game for Variety. You would expect it's awful, but it's actually not. I got kind of hooked on it, actually. It's like Diner Dash while being yelled at by Chef Gordon Ramsay (of whom I'm kinda a fan, I watch his TV shows).