The Cable Gamer has noted in the past The Huffington Post seems curiously immune to the charms of Keith Olbermann.
Now why is that, do you suppose? I mean, Huffpo and the Big O are mostly in the same trendy-left camp, ideologically, so why is it that HP always seems to be dinging Olbermann, with headlines such as this: "O'Reilly's Obama Interview Crushes Olbermann's In The Ratings"? (See screen grab above.)
Could it be that Huffpo knows Olbermann too well? Or could it be... that Huffpo likes... Bill O'Reilly?
Or maybe Huffpo is simply trying to build a solid reputation for calling 'em as it sees 'em.
And of course, the facts bore that headline out: Silicon Alley Insider featured an even sharper headline, "Fox News' O'Reilly Stomps MSNBC's Olbermann With Obama Interview." Indeed, it's hard to spin reality any other way: O'Reilly got 4.6 million viewers for his interview with Barack Obama, while Olbermann got just 1.9 million for his.