TV Newser runs the photo above and pointedly asks, "Are You Sure He's Not Running for Office in Pennsylvania?"
The Cable Game claims no inside information about, but it's obvious that Chris Matthews is giving serious thought to running for office in the Keystone State, home of the Philadelphia Phillies, whose cap Matthews is wearing--perhaps US Senator in 2010, the seat currently held by Republican Arlen Specter.
But of course, Matthews is currently hosting "Hardball" on MSNBC. And there's an obvious conflict--or at least there should be--between practicing journalism and running for office.
So which will it be? MSNBC should not allow anyone to do both--to appear on its air, while politicking for one party, in one state.
MSNBC should confront to Matthews and get a clear, contractual understanding of his intentions. Matthews should either totally swear off political ambitions, no ifs, ands, or buts--or else immediately resign his MSNBC gig immediately and make an honest man of himself.
MSNBC will issue no such ultimatum to Matthews, of course, because the network is deeply in bed with the Democratic Party. But NBC, parent to MSNBC, and GE, parent to NBC, should be held accountable, too, for any connivances by Matthews and MSNBC to benefit one political party.
And let's also put that question to the sponsors of "Hardball"--do they really intend for their advertising dollars to be used to help one political party at the expense of another?
Sen. Specter, and the Republican Party--and for that matter, all Americans--should demand, as a matter of simple fairness, that Matthews not use MSNBC as a political platform.