Michael Calderone, of The Politico, reports, you decide:
Ben Affleck, who’s hosting “Saturday Night Live” this week, was rehearsing a skit this afternoon mocking Keith Olbermann when Olbermann himself got past security to watch, according to a source with knowledge of the incident.
A source described the skit as “savage,” in portraying Olbermann as a deranged person living at home with his mother. Affleck, said a source, became uneasy with Olbermann in attendance at the 3 p.m., closed-set rehearsal.
But Olbermann, through a spokesman, was complimentary of his first time being mocked on "SNL" — a position his MSNBC colleague Chris Matthews has been in over the years.
“I’m not Sarah Palin,” Olbermann said. “I know how valuable it is to me. And it’s funny."
Hard to believe that Olby will keep his equanimity. But you might as well watch, to see John McCain, as well.